No Sugar February: Day 23.

Costa sell so many products with sugar that do not need sugar! We had a busy day including a hospital visit and by the time we needed food we were there. We had to eat something and that’s when we came to realise just how many products Costa sell contain sugar. These products don’t need sugar. A cheese and tomato toastie contains sugar? It’s bread, tomato and cheese toasted! I understand bread contains sugar (that gets eaten by the yeast), tomato and cheese contain naturally occurring sugars, so why add sugar? This goes for one with meat that Chris picked up. Thankfully we couldn’t see any hidden or added sugars in tomato and mozzarella panini, but why do products that do not need to contain sugar, contain it? This made us annoyed (not a good thing to do with hungry people).

Twenty-third day summary…

Kat – ‘Tea without sugar is horrible, definitely can’t wait for my tea to return to normal.’

Chris – ‘I can’t think of anything to say.’

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