30 Day Blog Challenge. Day 7: Five top pet peeves.

Hello everyone!

Many things annoy me. Many, but here are my top five pet peeves.

1 – Urinating on toilet seats and not cleaning it up – Men have a better excuse than woman and young children have a better excuse than adults but how do women miss the hole? You are literally sat over it! Also this is for everyone who does this, wipe it up! It takes five seconds (literally I timed it once) then wash your hands (I’m assuming you are at least not so disgusting as to not wash your hands after going to the toilet). Personally I’d like to name and shame these people (I’ve even thought of a scheme on how to do this) but for now my 30 Day Blog will serve to say STOP DOING THIS!

2 – People who are rude to cashiers/customer service workers – I’ve worked in customer service long enough now to say I’ve had my fair share of being shouted at, talked down to, sworn at to have gone from the ‘I want everyone to have a magical experience’ to ‘You can swear at young women? Tell me how proud your mum is to have a child like you’ feeling. But as someone who does work in customer service nothing irritates me more than being a customer and seeing someone be rude to the cashier, especially the young ones or new ones. Firstly, you’re not big, clever or even remotely scary/threatening. Secondly, I can categorically confirm much like a toddler having a tantrum over not being allowed the latest Barbie Doll it will make us and our bosses act much like parents and that is to not give you what you want. Thirdly, literally shouting at the server about the prices is not going to change the prices. The server has the same amount of control over prices as they do knowing the winning lottery numbers, and more often than not they agree with you but cannot say so. Lastly, were you never raised to treat others how you’d like to be treated? Do unto others etc? You were? Well then stop being rude and nasty!

3 – Push sales people … Joking. Pushy sales people’s managers – Seriously, forcing customers into a sale is actually more likely to end up with the customer refusing to buy and/or return to your company alongside warning others to stay away. It’s basic psychology of 99.9% of humans. All you are achieving is ruining the mental health of your workers. No one, literally no one cares about your targets, figures etc, bar you boring people who probably read the figures as enthusiastically as I do feminist books. I get how business works and I know sales are important but being pushy and forcing staff into a nervous breakdown from either your unrealistic targets or customers shouting at them or both is not how to run a great, ethical, moral and successful business. Basically please stop!

4 – People who laugh at/berate others – I have been bullied and I hate people who feel the need to put others down. What do you actually achieve from it? To feel good? For how long? The only way to address your insecurities is through yourself. Putting down someone else won’t do that for you. It just creates another bitter person who will do the same and the vicious circle continues. Let’s say we stop that by being positive to others and complimenting and building them up? You will also feel better about yourself also. It’s a win/win.

5 – Paying with phones/watches/UFOs – Seriously? Really? What planet am I living on? Nothing is as weird as watching someone pay with their watch. Also they think it’s quicker and safer than carrying/using a card. No. Firstly, if your phone gets stolen you then have to sort not only your phone out (insurance is hell) but also cancel all cards logged in on phone (do you enjoy speaking to automated voices?). Also it’s not quicker ‘Oh I just have to log in to my phone (damn thing won’t recognise my finger print), ah now just need to connect the card (load screen for seven years), finally *ping*, oh it’s over £30 I’ll have to pay by card’. Seriously, it’s more hassle than its worth. Call me old fashioned but you can’t go wrong with good old fashioned plastic.

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